mark ski

Strange things happen in the nighttime hours.




1) Track of the week.

More Bounce featuring Tranzformer, Grey Era and Spray Money. Scratches and cuts by Dj Mark Ski. Filmed, produced and edited by J-Sci Films.

More Bounce featuring Tranzformer, Grey Era and Spray Money (with cuts from Northampton’s finest Mark Ski),

2) Video of the week.

"The first full length album by Alexisonfire completely embodies the sound of late teens and early 20's. Full of dumb confidence and lacking in concentration. Hundreds of parts and riffs strung together in to a fun little hodge podge. We were living and writing freely. Sometimes too much freedom isn't always a good thing."

Alexisonfire - Documentary. A great look into the highs and lows of musical success.

3) Quote of the week.

“Everything's sh*t, so f*ck off.”
- Anon

4) Interesting thing of the week.

Thom Yorke performs Unmade live at Maida Vale studios for BBC Radio 6 Music This track was written by Thom Yorke as part of the score for the horror movie Suspiria & is featured in Mary Anne Hobbs' 6 Music show on Sunday 28th October.

Thom Yorke - Unmade, Live on BBC 6Music.

5) Gig of the week.

Wolfmania - S.G. Wolfgang/Future Love/Pieces/Howlin' Owls

Speak to you next Friday,


Practice makes progress.

Practice makes progress

A good friend of mine and fantastic musician in his own right, Mark Ski commented that on a photo I posted on Instagram a year or two ago. I hadn't heard it before and it really stuck in my head.

We're fortunate to get many different types of bands at Audio Works. We also get varying abilities, from people with no experience, to lifetime musicians. This does mean that some of the rooms sound like a well oiled professional group and some like an after-school jam, BUT THAT'S EXACTLY WHAT THIS PLACE IS FOR. I love the fact that people have the drive to come and expose their weaknesses and work on them, it's great to hear the improvements. 

It translates to all walks of life too. Wether you're beginning a get fit programme, removing sugar from your diet, learning a language or have just become a new parent every second you practice something, you're learning and therefore making progress.

Tim Ferriss, someone that I mention almost on a daily basis has a great tool for learning, it's called 'The Four Hour Chef'. The book uses cooking as a vehicle to teach you different learning methods, which you can then apply to any other subject. It's helped me and hundreds of thousand of others, you can actually download the torrent of the book and bonus info for free, HERE. The hard copy is significantly more useful, particularly when trying out the suggested recipes.

So practice something and make some progress. Feel free to share some links to what you're working on at the moment in the comments.

Speak to you Friday.